JUMP TOHapn APIAuthorizationBoundariesGet list of boundariesgetCreate new boundarypostGet boundarygetUpdate boundaryputDevicesGet list of devicesgetGet devicegetUpdate DevicepatchGet device statusgetGet the latest known status of each devicegetGet device events timelinegetGet device messagesgetMessagesGet messages from all devicesgetGet the latest message of the devicegetGet message by idgetWebhooksGet webhooksgetCreate a webhookpostDelete webhookdeleteUpdate a webhookputBehaviorsGet device supported behaviorsgetSend behavior to devicepostGet list of behaviors sent to the device, filtered by date.getPing the device to force it to report.postSend behavior to multiple devices in bulk.postGet device behavior status based on the task identifier.getCancels behaviors by imei or by taskId.postInsightsGet device alertsgetGet device metricsgetGet activity positionsgetGet device areas of interestgetUsersCreates a new user invitation.postCancels an existing user invitation.postUpdates the resources a user has access to.postDeactivates an existing user.postGet users in the account.getGet the user settings.getUpdates the user settings.postGet the user alert settings.getUpdates the user alert settings.postGet user resources.getAlertsGet the user alert settings.getUpdates the user alert settings. Use the patch method instead.postDelete user alert configurationsdeleteUpdate part of a user alert configurationpatchCreate a user alert configurationpostClientAlertsGet the client alert configurations.getCreate a client alert configurationpostUpdate a client alert configurationputDelete a client alert configurationdeleteSet client alert configuration recipientsputGets user alerts notifications configgetSaves user alert notifications config for a client alert configurationpostAEMPFleet snapshot, using OAuth2.getSingle-element snapshot, using OAuth2.getGets a specific time-serie, using OAuth2.getFleet snapshot, using token id.getSingle-element snapshot, using token id.getGets a specific time-serie, using token id.getTasksCreate new task schedulepostGets task schedule by idgetUpdates an existing task scheduleputDeletes a task scheduledeleteSearch task schedulespostSets the imeis associated with a task schedulepostSearch taskspostCompletes a taskpostUpdates a taskputDeletes a taskdeletePowered by Get the user settings.get https://api.iotgps.io/v1/users/{userId}/settingsGet user settings.